Eat food on time.usually eat dinner before or around Sunset.At morning eat fruits 8 am and at around 10-11 am lunch.If not possible this timings eat food at Fix Timings.
Eat more Raw food such as Vegetables,Green leafy Vegetables,fresh Fruits,Yogurt,Nuts,Boiled Eggs.
Do Proper Exercise.May be Yoga,Swimming,Walking,Gym,Playing Ground Games. Exercise is not only Important to Burn Calories but for good digestion,perspiration,Oxygenation.
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Use smaller Plates to eat .It helps Psychologically to Satiet.
Limit Processed foods such as diet rich in Sugars,Fats,Calories.Try to eat Fresh foods made within one day. Drink water as Required,but less during food intake.
Massage Regularly.Do massage Regularly and take steam periodically.Do Body detoxification according to Ayurveda {Panchkarma}